Narrow Bridges

“The whole entire world is a very narrow bridge…but the main thing to recall is to have no fear at all.”—Rabbi Nachman of Breslev.

Imagine, if you will, a very narrow bridge. Maybe it’s over a bustling river. Maybe it’s over a mountain peak. Maybe the bridge is built over your heart. But, it’s there. We’ve all seen narrow bridges before; we’ve walked across them and admired them from afar with a tremble of fear in our cores.

Bridges are scary sometimes.

But, they also connect us each other.

Bridges are, at their very essence, for the sake of connecting people to each other, for connecting mass spaces of land together. They’re there to close a gap. It’s not the bridge that is as frightening as what it stands to close.

But the main thing to recall is to have no fear at all. If bridges are meant to connect us between one thought to another, one person to another, one heart to another, then what is there to fear? No matter how narrow the bridge is, there will always be something on the other side.

That’s what we’re here for.

Welcome to the Gesher Project. Our mission? To create an online space that offers a fresh, illuminated, and new perspective on age old aspects of Judaism. Words from the Chasidic masters spoken and shared by contemporary Jewish creatives. Quite literally, we seek to bridge the gap between two worlds, making them one.

This experiment is brought to you by Jewish creatives who seek and strive to find a deeper purpose and meaning within their everyday lives. We are artists, writers, musicians, educators. People. We’re ordinary people seeking an extraordinary existence. What we want—what we all want—is to bridge the gap between one reality and another.

We believe that a full, complete, and well rounded life comprises of aspects from both worlds. Not only that, but we know—and seek to teach—how everything in the world can be found in and exists in a state of holiness.

Our aim is to close the divide between Jewish and Secular schools of thought; not only do we intend to connect the two worlds, but we plan on demonstrating how the two can be and should be one.

Who This Project is for:

Students of life; those who are sipping the waters of Judaism for the first time, as well as for those already immersed in a Torah life but seek to understand it and own it…in short, everyone. Welcome, friends!

Inspiration for the Gesher Project comes from: The School of Life, Ted, Brainpickings, and Lamplighters Jewish Academy of Oxnard, California.

Note: As this is a newly seeded project that is still in its growth process, we turn to you, our valued readers and community, for feedback and support. Let us know how we’re doing! Let us know what’s working…and definitely let us know what’s not working (kindly, please. It’s all about kindness here). Which topics should we be addressing? What should we speak more of, or less of? We want you to be our partners in this journey.

Onwards towards the bridge of life!