Security Blanket

Friends. Hello! It’s been a minute. I have missed you all more than you can know. It’s  been a long winter. Our daughter was born. The world sheltered in place. Meaningful conversations erupted. And still, the world continues to spin. I’ve taken an observer’s approach in the world for the past nine months, drinking in, paying attention, noticing. Just noticing. Waiting for the right moment to return here and share what I’ve seen. There is so much to be found in the world when we just pay attention. If you’re new here: Welcome! If you’re old here: Welcome back! Changes have been abundant here at the Gesher Project. You can learn more about the role you can play in those changes here. I want to thank you for being here. Your presence means the world. I’m ready to share and ready to listen. And now, let’s begin today’s lesson.

I love words. I love what they mean and how they mean them. Take for example the Hebrew word for blanket: שְׂמִיכָה (smicha). The root of the word can also be found in אשמכה (asmascha) security. Security. Blanket. Security Blanket. Mind blown.

It’s incredible how much we can accomplish when we feel a sense of security. I’m not talking about hanging onto things that don’t serve us: comfort zones, old habits, toxic relationships. I mean the real, deeply rooted sense of security that each human being needs to feel in order to branch out. Like a child learning to stand on their own two feet and walk for the first time, turning to Mom and Dad for assurance—we turn back to our source of security for confirmation that it’s there. 

Let’s parse this out. What is the difference between real security and false security? 

False Security: Placing trust, self, and identity onto other people, things, short-term desires. This path leads to false starts, roadblocks, deadends. This path is also part of the learning process, and a necessary piece of growing. It sucks, but it’s there for a reason.

Real Security: Place trust, self, and identity onto meaningful, long-term goals and directives. This is the path that leads to fulfillment, happiness, and roots. This path is also difficult to attain, requires tedious (yes, tedious) maintenance. It sucks in its own way, but there’s more sweetness to be found. 

Placing your trust in something real is part of creating your legacy. It is, I believe, the spiritual path. Living a spiritual path is not only about living a life devoted to religious practice, though if that’s your jam, spread it. Spirituality, the belief of something higher and bigger than our individual selves, can be found everywhere. It really depends on how you choose to see the world. 

A seed is just a seed. But it can also become a tree. 

I wonder if we think about our legacies enough. I worry that we don’t. Our high speed lives are not conducive to setting roots. The blessing of this otherwise redonkulous year is the slow pace. Slowing down has been excruciating for a lot of us (read: ME!!) but it’s also where the secret sauce is hiding. What a crazy little magic trick. 

What does this have to do with security? When it comes down to it, our security—our ability to stand firm in what we believe, no matter how the wind blows—is a matter of what we value. What is important to you? Really important. The things that make you you, or that have the potential to make you more you. Our values are the ropes that hold us firm as we summit a mountain. You need them to thrive, but they won’t hold you back. 

It’s not about what you leave behind when you’re gone. It’s about what you create while you’re here. 

What’s securing you in place as you take your leap? What are you going to create while you’re here?